"; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function display_postings() { // Handle no postings situation if (allPostings.length == 1) { document.write(header); document.write("
"); document.write(""); return; } if (!FORM_DATA['topjobscount']) { if (!topjobs_count) { var displayCount = 5; } else { var displayCount = topjobs_count; } } else { var displayCount = FORM_DATA['topjobscount']; } // Create target array var displayPostings; var allPostingsCount = allPostings.length; var i; if (displayCount == 99999) { document.write(allHeader); // Remember array entry 0 is placeholder, so start at index 1 for (i = 1; i
" + allPostings[i][2] + "
"); } else { document.write("
" + allPostings[i][1] + "
"); } } document.write(allFooter); } else { // Delete array entry 0 ("placeholder") for (i = 0; i 0 && allPostingsCount > 0) { // Move a random entry from allPostings to displayPostings var targetIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * allPostingsCount % allPostingsCount); displayPostings[displayPostings.length] = allPostings[targetIndex]; for (i = targetIndex; i
"); } } // Display Employer Name only. If Employer name does not exist display Job Title else if (topjobs_option == 2) { for (i = 0; i
"); } else { document.write("
"); } } } // Display Description only else if (topjobs_option == 3) { for (i = 0; i
"); } } // Display Job Title followed by Employer Name. If Employer name does not exist display Job Description else if (topjobs_option == 4) { for (i = 0; i
" + displayPostings[i][2] + "
"); } else { document.write("
" + displayPostings[i][1] + "
"); } } } // Display Job Title followed by Job Description else if (topjobs_option == 5) { for (i = 0; i
" + displayPostings[i][2] + "
"); } } // Display Employer Name followed by Job Title. If Employer name does not exist display Job Description else if (topjobs_option == 6) { for (i = 0; i
" + displayPostings[i][0] + "
"); } else { document.write("
" + displayPostings[i][0] + "
"); } } } // Display Employer Name followed by Job Description. If Employer name does not exist display Job Title else if (topjobs_option == 7) { for (i = 0; i
" + displayPostings[i][2] + "
"); } else { document.write("
" + displayPostings[i][2] + "
"); } } } // Display Job Description followed by Job Title else if (topjobs_option == 8) { for (i = 0; i
" + displayPostings[i][0] + "
"); } } // Display Job Description followed by Employer Name. If Employer name does not exist display Job Title else if (topjobs_option == 9) { for (i = 0; i
" + displayPostings[i][0] + "
"); } else { document.write("
" + displayPostings[i][1] + "
"); } } } // Default to Job Title followed by Employer Name. If Employer name does not exist display Job Description else { for (i = 0; i
" + displayPostings[i][2] + "
"); } else { document.write("
" + displayPostings[i][1] + "
"); } } } document.write(footer); } } function createRequestObject() { return 1 // The Object (Array) where our data will be stored. separator = ','; // The token used to separate data from multi-select inputs query = '' + this.location; qu = query // Get the current URL so we can parse out the data. // Adding a null-string '' forces an implicit type cast // from property to string, for NS2 compatibility. query = query.substring((query.indexOf('?')) + 1); // Keep everything after the question mark '?'. if (query.length -1) { keypairs[numKP] = query.substring(0,query.indexOf('&')); query = query.substring((query.indexOf('&')) + 1); numKP++; // Split the query string at each '&', storing the left-hand side // of the split in a new keypairs[] holder, and chopping the query // so that it gets the value of the right-hand string. } keypairs[numKP] = query; // Store what's left in the query string as the final keypairs[] data. for (i in keypairs) { keyName = keypairs[i].substring(0,keypairs[i].indexOf('=')); // Left of '=' is name. keyValue = keypairs[i].substring((keypairs[i].indexOf('=')) + 1); // Right of '=' is value. while (keyValue.indexOf('+') > -1) { keyValue = keyValue.substring(0,keyValue.indexOf('+')) + ' ' + keyValue.substring(keyValue.indexOf('+') + 1); // Replace each '+' in data string with a space. } keyValue = unescape(keyValue); // Unescape non-alphanumerics if (FORM_DATA[keyName]) { FORM_DATA[keyName] = FORM_DATA[keyName] + separator + keyValue; //document.write('The value of ' +keyName+ ' is:'+FORM_DATA[keyName]+'
'); // Object already exists, it is probably a multi-select input, // and we need to generate a separator-delimited string // by appending to what we already have stored. } else { FORM_DATA[keyName] = keyValue; //document.write('The value of ' +keyName+ ' is:'+FORM_DATA[keyName]+'
'); // Normal case: name gets value. } } return FORM_DATA; } // MAINLINE FORM_DATA = createRequestObject(); // This is the array/object containing the GET data. // Retrieve information with 'FORM_DATA [ key ] = value'. // Display jobs display_postings();
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